The Best St Louis Restaurants in Town

People are becoming increasingly more health conscious in this day and age. Due to the increase of obesity and various medical conditions resulting from it, people all over the world are opting for a healthier lifestyle. As everyone knows that vegetables are much healthier than meat, people are slowly but surely transitioning to bigger portions of vegetables and smaller portions of meat during meal time. With the introduction of this new health conscious generation, people are also starting to explore eating out at Chinese vegan restaurants more often. There is a comprehensive list of the Best St Louis restaurants available in town, for your perusal. 

There are some people who have completely switched to eating purely vegetarian food. Being a vegetarian has various health benefits that you simply cannot get from eating meat. Vegetarian diets are healthier for the simple fact that it does not contain animal fats and cholesterol, instead it contains more fiber and antioxidant rich fresh produce. 

A non vegetarian diet is rich in saturated fats and processed foods which contribute significantly towards obesity, and related ailments such as stroke, heart disease and diabetes. According to studies low fat vegetarian diets help you lose a significant amount of weight, without counting calories or being hungry all the time. Research also suggests that eating meat can cut down your longevity, clog your arteries, reduce energy levels slow down your immune system. 

Contrary to popular belief, calcium is not only found in dairy products. The body needs an ample amount of calcium and those who are lactose intolerant or don't get their daily dose of calcium are at risk of getting porous skeletons. This is because the body draws from the existing calcium in your bones when it needs more. However, calcium can be found in dark green vegetables, dry beans and tofu as well. More info about it is here.

By switching to a vegetarian diet, you will also lower your chances of getting food borne illnesses. Studies show that most of these food borne bacteria are found in meat, poultry, seafood and various fish. By sticking to naturally grown veggies, you can avoid these nasty food borne illnesses. 

Vegetarians often have more energy than those who eat meat. This is mainly because meat fills your bloodstream with fat and clogs your arteries, which in turn limits the amount of oxygen that gets to your muscles. This makes you feel tired and drained out all the time. However, since the vegetarian diet is rich in fruit, veggies, legumes and whole grains, you will have enough carbohydrates to supply your body with enough energy. Another major benefit of a vegetarian diet is the fact that you get more fiber. Meat contains no fiber, however vegetarian diets contain enough fiber to push waste out of your body and keep you regular. 

The list of benefits of being a vegetarian goes on. You are not only helping yourself, but the environment around you. So the next time you plan a family outing, surprise everyone by taking them out to the best St Louis restaurants in town.